vendredi 23 février 2007

A natural aversion to blogs is no match for a (somewhat unnatural) compulsion to sign up for things

In a perfect world, I would have created this in August when I first arrived in France. As it stands now, I have three months left in this fine country. So why bother creating a travel-blog when one's travels are more than half over? My motives were three-fold:

  • I have sent out approximately 3 mass-e-mails and am subsequently in constant search of a better medium for reaching my kin and fellows

  • Said medium needed to be accessible to a larger demographic (facebook: out, livejournal: I do not admit to having one, therefore: out)

  • Peer pressure

To attempt to summarize the past 6 months for this introductary entry, which by the way is being written at 3am, would be silly, and so I am not going to do it. Sorry. Instead, people, places, and things will be introduced au fur et a mesure. My best friend in California, one Miss Megan J. Wolf has a way of looking at the world as though it were a comic book: everyone is a character and the places where you reside are romanticised versions of what they really are. This outlook is not half-bad. I have used it from time to time since arriving here.

2 commentaires:

Megs Wolf a dit…

That is the first summarization of my character that I have actually enjoyed. I'm so glad that you know me so well. You are one of few who does.

Rocky's Mom a dit…

Love the new bangs!