mardi 1 mai 2007

Sois jeune

It is a very funny thing, the sun. It emerges from its months and months of hibernation and in a very passive way demands that you drop everything and entirely rearrange your schedule to accomodate its reappearance. I myself have no will-power, and so it was very easy for me to comply with these new demands. This means more travelling, spending more afternoons and evenings on the banks of the Seine, eating more ice cream, gulping down more Badoit, and more fruitless searching for a free bathroom. It's a labor of love, really.

This past weekend I found myself in Amsterdam with Liz and Selenewhere, unbeknownst to me (or perhaps knownst at one point and then later forgotten), it was Queen's Day. From what I could see, this entailed a myriad orange balloons, complimentary Chupa Chups at dinner, and a carnival in the center of town. So bless your heart, Queen Juliana, because if it wasn't for you, Selene would not have enjoyed this delicious carnival bratwurst and the the three of us would not have had the pleasure of riding on this AWESOME FERRIS WHEEL.

Today being May 1st I had the sombre revelation that only 31 days remain until I leave my spiritual home (that's Paris, not Amsterdam). Where did all the time go? Have I really been sleeping in this God-Awful Ikea bed for a year? I don't know, and yes I have. I am very much settled in here and to leave would just be utterly impossible. And yet the date of my departure is fast approaching and I find myself making a mental list of all those things that must be accomplished before I leave. Most of them involve food- primarily: eating it. One more falafel from L'As, one last ice cream cone at Berthillon, one final rendez-vous at Le Loir with the ladies. But it's also time to hurry up and get to all the museums, landmarks, nooks, and crannies that I said, in September, I would eventually get to.

But the sun is out, and it's a very good thing, that.

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